A crisp OLED display.

Winstar WEH1602A for a Yuan Jing PGA2311 volume control. After altering the jumpers on the back it proved to be a drop-in replacement

See picture. Jumpers/devices JF, CFR, J15, JCS and CSH are empty. CSL is connected (re-use 0 Ohm smd). Pins 3,15, 16 are not connected.
(No changes to the initialization procedure. Aliexpress search: WEH001602A 16x2 COB OLED Character Display 5V WS0010 Controller)


The Yuan Jing pga2311 volume control was tweaked by seperating the digital and the analog ground. They come together at one point at the PGA2311 (black wire over IC). Extra power line buffering was added just below the PGA2311, 3xtantalum 10uF and 3x100n. The digital section did get it's own dedicated 5Volts power supply. For the lowest distortion a NE5532 buffer is placed between the input relay's and the PGA2311. To make sure that the source impendance to the PGA2311 is always low regardless of the source. The distorsion of a NE5532 is above 2kHz substantially lower than the often used BurrBrown OPA2134.