Anti-malaria drones. A marvelous project to combat the spreading of malaria! Guido Welter, Richard Mukabana and Bart Knols.

A  cheap USBI-TO-EZ-ADAPTER interface to be used with Sigmastudio

USBi programmer. 24 aug. 2018

Programming the low cost CY7C68013A development board:

Download Cypress Suite CySuiteUSB_3_4_7_B204.exe. This file should have the following md5 checksum: 1ece8ba8dcb0038049b7e07e2473011b.

Download at (24aa256.bix 8kB)
Remark: the file was converted to the .bix format and was extended from 4k to 8k, this did the trick.

To transfer 24aa256.bix to the EEprom on the CY7C68013A development board:

- Remove jumpers on the CY7C68013A development board (and don't put them back)

- Start CyConsole (part of Cypress Suite), Choose menu Options- EZ-USB interface

- push button lgEEPROM, select the EEPROM file i.e. 24aa256.bix. (choose all file types to make the choice visible) Download should start.

When the board is reconnected to USB  (reset)  the board should be recognized as Analog Devices USBi (programmed) .

To check one of these cryptographic signatures I used Total Commander, create checksum file, F3.

Together with an aliexpress ADAU1701 ADAU1401 development board (ca 20 euro) the USBi board can be used to make a DIY minidsp.

Programming can be done with Analog Devices Sigmastudio. Applications like loudspeaker crossover filter 2in x 4out analog or 2x8 digital, flanger, tone control etc. are available as presets in SigmaStudio.

The dsp board is more or less identical to the schema in the data sheet of analog devices.
Very helpful proved to be the article "Universal DSP Board" in the Elektor Magazine  issue of januari 2014.

- For programming the EEprom on the dsp board WP should temporally be connected to ground.

Click on the picture for hires version.